sustainable design | site analysis | conceptualization
LLC est. 2023

Sign - Aries, Wood- Alder, Metal- Iron, Stone- Jade, Herbs- Honeysuckle & Spearmint Knot- 4-Legged Triskelion

Sign - Aries, Wood- Alder, Metal- Iron, Stone- Jade, Herbs- Honeysuckle & Spearmint Knot- 4-Legged Triskelion

Sign - Aries, Wood- Alder, Metal- Iron, Stone- Jade, Herbs- Honeysuckle & Spearmint Knot- 4-Legged Triskelion
2015.08.22 Celtic Knots
This was a very special project for me. I made each piece as a gift for my bridesmaids, because nothing else seemed more appropriate.
Each pendant is specifically designed and created for each girl. The intent, rather than the aesthetic (however still imporant), was my drive behind these designs.
As a result of my work, the company that provided me with the chains and stones, Bathing Beauties Beads, is housing a Gallery showing for me on August 5th, the First Friday Gallery Night in Missoula, MT.